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10 Songs You May Not Know Were Inspired by Poetry

Buckle up for an extraordinary music adventure as poems and tunes work hand in hand!This exploration unearths the amazing link between famous songs and ageless verses which brought for the inspiration of those songs.Let’s discuss 10 song which you might not know that are poetic in origin.

1. "The Raven" by Lou Reed (inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven"):

Lou Reed’s haunting version is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s well known poem “The Raven”. Discover the dark beauty that links Reed’s musical prowess with Poe’s celebrated literature .

2. "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush (inspired by Emily Brontë's novel of the same name):

Enter the breathtaking atmosphere of Kate bush as she brings the emotional story of Emily bronte’s “wuthering heights” into a musical journey.

3. "For No One" by The Beatles (inspired by W. H. Auden's poetry):

Dig into the depressing strains from “For No One” of THE BEATLES, but influenced by Walt Whitman Auden poetry (W.H)A.Discover the emotional afterbang of the verse and chorus.

4. "Sailing to Philadelphia" by Mark Knopfler (inspired by Mason & Dixon by Thomas Pynchon):

Join in with Knopfler’s historical fiction music journey towards “Sailing to Philadelphia,” which is based upon the megalomaniac novel titled “Gravity Rainbow” by Thomas Pynchon.

5. "Jenny of Oldstones" by Florence + The Machine (inspired by George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series):

Allow yourself to be sucked into Westeros where Florence + The Machine enthrall us with “Jenny of Oldstones”, a song based on the saga written by George R.R. Martin.

6. "The Man Who Sold the World" by David Bowie (inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy):

Lift the veil from within the depths of philosophy of David Bowie’s “The Man Who Sold the World” that borrows many quotations from Friedrich Nietzsche.

7. "Moby Dick" by Led Zeppelin (inspired by Herman Melville's novel "Moby-Dick"):

From rock to the famous Led Zeppelin who salutes Moby-Dick, an epic melodrama of a mad passion and bloodlust.

8. "Annabel Lee" by Stevie Nicks (inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Annabel Lee"):

Hear the Fleetwood Mac singer-songwriter channeling Poe’s poetry through her haunting melody, when she takes on “Annabel Lee”.

9. "Ramble On" by Led Zeppelin (inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"):

Led zeppelin’s “ramble on”–ballad of Tolkien’s journey into middle earth.

10. "Suzanne" by Leonard Cohen (inspired by Leonard Cohen's own poetry, as well as the poetry of Federico García Lorca and others):

The study will round up with Leonard Cohen’s craftsmanship where he incorporates other poets, such as Federico García Lorca, in his perpetual work “Suzanne”.


Such songs are much more than mere singing, they evidence of the longevity of poetry as an inspiration for any art form.The next time you are listening, allow those melodies to take you along the literary pathway which is what characterizes this category of musical pieces.Find out where verse meets chorus and where melodious lines whisper sweet words along with ancient poetry.

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